Working for the Weekend? 4 Ways to Be Happier at Work

“What comes first, happiness or success?” asked a recent call into a popular morning radio show. The caller explained that pursuing her dream job had left her unhappy and stressed out. Much like the chicken or the egg, her question left the hosts clearly flummoxed. And while there is no clear cut measure of happiness or success in today’s society, most people tend agree when it comes to the issue of stress.

In fact, according to a new survey from Monster, nearly 60 percent of respondents said they experience work-related stress. The survey also indicates that workplace stress can be caused by any part of a job and is different for everyone. So what to do? Consider these ways to lighten up at work:  

  • Set the Mood – Sure it’s tough to live life in a cube but only if you see it that way. Think outside those 4 walls and take ownership of your workspace. Tuck your doldrums into the bottom drawer and stock your shelves with things that make you smile. Don't worry, you'll still be able to reach for “Best Practices in Business 101” whenever you need it.

o   Bonus reading: 4 ways to improve your workspace.

  • Take on the Little Things – After a while, automation and repetition can suck the fun out of just about anything. But have you ever noticed how much humans love a good list? Making use of a list can keep you organized, purposeful, on task and bring meaning back into your work week.

o   Bonus reading: 25 little things that make you happy at work.

  • Just Say No - Going back to the survey, Monster reminds us that being mindful of our stress can help identify the cause. In many instances, learning how to say no can help alleviate some of the stress and improve productivity. Rather than refusing to complete a given task, this means passing on distractions in order to focus on what’s important

o   Bonus reading: 7 great business reasons to say no!

  • Get a Move On – With health and wellness initiatives popping up in offices around the world, it should be no surprise that there’s a big link between physical activity and mood. But before you look into buying a treadmill desk, start by standing up. Next, take 20 minutes to walk around and recharge your brain.

o   Bonus reading: 6 reasons to inspire workplaces to get active


#In321 with Bill Kutik, HR Tech Expert


Filling in the Blanks: Four Ways to Improve Your Presentations